Friday, November 30, 2012

Artistic work is not' Free'.

Many people have checked out my work through my blog.
Only a few have made the inquiries about price. The average
amount of time per bird varies, but it takes about '60 to 70'
hours for a medium-size bird: getting the patterns, buying the
Basswood, acquiring the feet and eyes. The process includes,
carving the bird to size, texturing and burning all the feathers,
sealing and painting the bird. This is a painstaking process. I have
tried to make the birds life-like. Please appreciate the amount of
work that is required to create these works of art. I would be happy
to discuss commissions or individual pricing.

e-mail or  
I live in Kelowna, B.C. Canada

Monday, November 5, 2012

Art for Sale

When you buy from an independent
artist you are buying more than just
a painting, a novel or a song.
You are buying hundreds of hours
of experimentation and thousands
of failures. You are buying days,
weeks, months, years of frustration
and moments of pure joy. You are
buying nights of worry about paying
the rent, having enough money to
eat, having enough money to feed
the children, the birds, the dog.
You aren't just buying a thing, you
are buying a piece of heart, part of
a soul, a private moment in
someone's life. Most importantly,
you are buying that artist more time
to do something they are truly
passionate about; something that
makes all of the above worth the
fear and doubt, something that
puts the life into the living.

      - Rebekah Joy Plett.

Friday, September 7, 2012

New for 2012

This Chickadee 'SOLD'
At Art Walk Show, 2012.

I have been busy in my new workshop.
Two new poses for chickadees, two
different sparrows, house and white-crowned
sparrows, and a Pine Siskin.
 Sparrow   'SOLD'       
Pine Siskin
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Art Walk -2012

Hello everyone. I am pleased to announce that I will be participating in this
prestigious Art Show in Lake Country for the fourth year.
To all those people who look forward to seeing my new family of birds:
Please come and visit my display of carved wooden birds.
The show is September 8th and 9th in Lake Country from 10 am to 5pm.
 Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Show. Last year more than
7,000 people came to see me and many other Artists.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Palette Club - Art Show

Hello everyone. Please come to the Palette Club, Art Show on Friday April 13. From 7-9 pm and Saturday April 14. From 10 am to 8 pm.
 There will be many Art pieces in different media. I will have some Watercolour Paintings for sale.
Some of my hand carved birds will be on display and for sale.                                               
Thank you to everyone who came to visit me and my Art Work at  the Show. I did sell
one Chickadee and several art cards.

James Hooey - Bird Carving - Kelowna - British Columbia -Canada